Recover Health.  Reinvigorate Life. Regenerate Longevity 

 Join us in a Body/Mind Detox! 

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein

We all fall short of our own mark sometimes. We all catch ourselves saying, doing or feeling something that is not what we would want ourselves to be.

I’d like you to join me getting back on track with a physical and mental reset. 

This is going to be gentle, not hard core. 

If you are already hard core, first of all, Congratulations! This may help to regenerate and renew you to keep on going. 

This program is designed to get you back on track if you’re teetering, if you’ve crashed and burned thousands of miles off course (we’ve all been there too ;-) or if you just need to settle into your body and lifestyle with a little bit more comfort and ease. 

We have the science and tools that help us to reach our personal best, no matter what we think is holding us back.   

And we have a community to help keep us on track. 

I invite you to join me on this journey of finding wholeness, a path that for many of us started with a disease process that became the beginning of a journey of self discovery that leaves us better than when we started. 

What to do: 

Join me on a Body Mind Detox beginning on April 1st. There are two steps:

1. We start the detox with the mind, because 

What we think is what we focus on. 

What we focus on is what we create. 

So we must choose to focus on what we want to create. 

Both of these mind challenges require less than 15 minutes a day to help put your mind in a place where you can create what you want in your life. You have 15 minutes for that. 

Choose One of these Mind Challenges: 

You Are Enough 8 Day Challenge  

Is a deeply healing program available on The Tapping Solution app. 

It is amazing what this program can bring up and clear out. I started my first 8 days (that actually took me 18 days to complete) at a 7/10 believing I am not enough and ended at 0/10! It has been so monumentally powerful for me that I am going to join you (or still be going it) on April 1st. 


Ho’Opophonophono (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no) 

For those for whom tapping doesn’t work or who just don’t like it, you can join us with this meditation for your mind detox and recovery. 

This is an ancient Hawaiian meditation that has actually been researched and shown to have amazing benefits in healing even deep issues. 

Here is a wonderful article on this meditation with directions on how to do it. 

Article on Ho’Opophonophono

2. Next, let’s tackle the body: 

Sleep, stress, exercise, detox, diet and supplements, all simplified! 

Tailored to help you eliminate toxins and regenerate and renew. The goal is to be resting better, have improved energy, enjoy a healthier body and immune system when you’re done. 

Link to pin-up detox plan: Print Your PinUp 

Here is the YouTube link explaining the detox plan

Watch it now so you can get your supplements and get prepared! 

Watch the YouTube Video

Let's have fun together, and please share with me how you're doing by posting here or on our Facebook page: Join us on Facebook .

If you have any questions about changes to your supplements or anything else during our detox, feel free to make a short appointment with me to discuss it. Schedule Your Appointment Here

To your vibrant life, 

From your doctor and Integrative Health Coach, 

Deanna Windham 
